This past Friday was my dearest's 25th birthday. On the day we just celebrated with just me and him, it was so nice. I made him a birthday cake (yellow cake with chocolate pudding frosting), and we both cooked his favorite meal; BBQ chicken, green beans, homemade bread, & homemade mashed potatoes. YUMMY! We watched a movie before bed, and it was pretty much a quiet evening. I love those kinds of evenings, espically Fridays because we can justify staying up late.
Yesterday were able to have my family over (it was touch and go wither they were going to come because their van has had the brakes out and the guys have been working on it this week), and my grandparents. We made BBQ and Teriakai Chicken (on the stove), salad, homemade bread, and green beans. It was so good. Then we decorated the cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Joshua.
Afterwards we cleaned up a bit, and my grandparents had to leave. Then we put on a movie for the children, and we played 42 where the guys (go read up on the game in the link) promptly stomped us girls (me and Mom) into the ground. :D It was such a great evening!
Love you babe!

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