I was on pins and needles about this trip, as I have been planning it since October - when I found this be-YOND perfect location near Lost Maples Park! To begin our trip, Joshie drove the first hour, and then I took the wheel - even blindfolding him so he would have no clue where we were going! Trouble is the Cabin is off road and doesn't have an exact address....so even after I carefully hand-wrote the directions, I lost the spiral it was written in just minutes before we left, and I was already behind because Josh couldn't help me too much because I didn't want to give anything away - not even what we were eating. Sooooo, not wanting to wait any longer to leave (I wanted to get there before dark, and it was already in the afternoon) needless to say I got "lost" - turns out our GPS took us the right way BUT it took us the major back road way, rather than the straight forward way it was written. I think I scared/worried Joshie a little because I thought I was so lost! Heehee, but all turned out well and we arrived! The cabin was/is absolutely beautiful....
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View(angled from top of stairs) from front porch |
"The Lodges at Lost Maples"
"Welcome, Kaisers"
Front Porch
View from door
Bed - interesting headboard...
View from far side of bed, looking towards whirlpool tub! :D (really lovely)
View from table
Our fire <3 p="">
Anniversary dinner!
There was no internet, cell service, cable or wifi to speak of...SO NICE! So we played tons of board games, watched DVDs, and just got to spend lovely, quiet time together - just the two of us. <3 p="">
We did a mini-photoshoot together before we left, thank you tripod and remote!
Love & Blessings!
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