Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My 20th ~ Reflections

Wow...20. Somehow I just never thought I would ever get to twenty...I really feel like I have been a "teenager" forever. Is that weird to say or did y'all think that too when you got done with the teenage years? I know some of you are reading this and think: "HA! Just wait till your my age!" Don't worry I ain't trying to rush growing up. I use to, as much as I could but I have been taking my life day-by-day and soaking in every minute of my life. I really love my life. So very much has happened this year for me, LOTS of changes.

~My 19th (b-day) marked the first birthday in two years I was out of a sinking relationship, and VERY happy to be that way!
~Newly graduated
~October I met Josh
~November Josh and I got engaged
~December Josh and I got MARRIED!, first Christmas, first time seeing snow!
~Jan- First New Year's kiss and married
~Feb-First Valentine's Day married <3
~Mar- First time celebrating my husband's b-day, 25!
~Apr-First Easter, April Fool's Day married!
~June- First birthday married!

It has been quite a busy year, the above might or might not look busy but I barely got to slow down for a breath! Only just is our life falling into a daily routine. I am so thankful for this life God has blessed me with. This doesn't even include the move out of my family's home- WOW I never knew what a DRASTIC (though good) change that would be!


My beloved Josh made me a beautiful dinner, and got me three very special presents. He even took a early shift-slide at work so we could be home earlier so he would be able to make me that dinner. *swoons*. These few short sentences isn't enough to say how special he made my evening. Thank you my love for such a wonderful evening- I love you babe!!



  1. I love you too Babygirl. I glad you had a great birthday. I love you very much

  2. I love the way you write. And now following your blog.

    Visiting through bloggers:

  3. Happy belated birthday! Wow, what a crazy year for you! My 20th birthday was a big deal to me, and so was my 21st. I felt like I'd finally grown up.


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