Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello, 2013!

I was just inspired by a friend who wrote a post about her New Year's Resolutions, up till now I have been pretty shut mouthed about what I want to do with my year. My Mom has also asked me, so now I think that is also a sign I needed to write today. Maybe not, but I have missed writing so much- so I will enjoy doing so.

 (...I know "blah blah, get ON with it!")

I think last year, for the most part I cannot remember what I resolved to do. I believe one was lose weight, which I did. But I think I gained it back since Thanksgiving..*sigh*. Read my bible, for sure failed fell short of that. I don't remember what else! I blame it on I have slept since then...heehee

 No excuses, this year I resolve:

 ~~~Take a picture everyday! - as a photographer, I for one easily get bogged down in the business of it all. The running of my business on etsy, editing photos, networking, networking...more networking. So I plan to KEEP BEING INSPIRED!

 ~~~Read the bible, and pray with my husband- even if just a prayer at night. - As of late, I have really had my eyes opened to the fact if we are not keeping close with God we are really allowing Satan a free pass to tear us down. (ps Josh and I are doing GREAT! I just don't want to allow Satan ANY foothold!)

 ~~~Read 30 Books - a great resolution I stole from my friend that she had for this year! I love it and I have read a total of 3 books since being married. I really miss doing this! ~~~Spend less time on the computer, and more time enjoying life!

~~~Run a 5k. last one a few years ago was a disaster.

 ~~~Take up crocheting again...;) I have already started!

 ~~~GET A CUTE HAIRCUT!...maybe, I am always fighting myself on this one!

 ~~~Continue to allow God to work on my sorrow.


 There it is, I cannot think of what else to add so that will be it. My goals, as more come to me during the year. I feel I should explain the last one here...this last two year was hard- God has asked quite a lot of me. The emotional toll has been so hard, for both Josh and I. Even though I truly believe (as I keep saying) I trust God is in control of ALL things- however when it comes to my womb I somehow feel responsible for it. It is my body that month after month isn't pregnant and now that it is really 2013, it has hit me like a ton of bricks that we still don't have a baby. It is okay though, God has really helped me lift my head and slowly and quite stubbornly I might add- I am releasing it to Him. Because he knows my desires and prayers, and He knows I will never stop praying for that child of mine.

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